Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Food update.

I forget how hard it is to keep yourself in check and monitor your input. Yesterday night was just a little bit rough and I felt I could eat a 18 oz steak 30 mins after dinner. To make matters worse our guests for the week returned home from their dinner with left over pizza. I almost cried but Instead I steeled myself and walked away from the temptation.

Foodstats for the last 2 days as follows

Sunday 26thMonday 27th

Today is going to be the worst day I think. I woke up with a headache and it hasn't left me yet. I am hoping that a couple of Tylenol will help but don't know if its just a slept wrong headache, a no soda headache or a body food intake change headache.

Its for the best however and I am steeled for the task. I don't want to go back to being fat and it the damned rain would stop I would be on the bike as much as I could also. My hope is that this weekend and next week my riding patterns will be a bit different as I am off work. wooooooooooooo.


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