She had been looking at a couple of other bikes but of them all I personally think this is the best of the bunch. If they just made them like this in bicycles then man I would be set *LOL*. Here is a pic of Jen in action in the neighborhood. She has graduated out of it and has done a couple of 30-60 mile rides.
Other blogworthy news is that I nearly had my eyes pecked out Hitchcock "Birds" style. Well ok maybe not quite but I walked into our sun room and right outside the door perched on the handrail for the step were two of the biggest vultures I have ever seen (REALLY close up) they were sitting looking down at the gap under out sunroom where poor Marley (our cat) was hiding. Below is a picture of them on top of the neighbors roof after I scared them off (like I really could, think they wanted to move).
They were still around Monday morning but thankfully I haven't seen them today.
Ok time to move on. Laters folks.