So we are still fighting with issues after the May 1st floods. The end however in the case of AC is I hope close. Getting FEMA to assist well that is another matter. Work has also been contributing to the crazyness but I am hoping with the hiring of someone within the next 4-6 weeks that will be alleviated.
Now down to the real stuff you visit here for. What have I been up to in the battle of the bulge!!! Well weight is down around the 237-240lb mark. This weekend was crazy and I never got to weigh in hence the average. Cycling wise I have been getting on the bike. 2 times in the last 4 days. Not long rides but acceptable. About 5-7 miles on Saturday and then 2.5 miles last night. I know, I know no where near where I need to be but I'm on the bike. We also walked the Clarksville Greenway Sunday and had 5.2 miles of walking goodness so it was not a sloth like weekend (including the 4-5 hours of working on the front yard Monday).
I will have a minor announcement coming soon. Some of you already know what it is about but for others just watch this space *LOL*
OK going for now.
A big goal, a new beginning
11 years ago
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