Well it seems that I might just be serious about keeping myself on track this time for getting the rest of my weight off. It has now been two weeks and I am keeping track in sparkpeople every day and making sensible decisions about what I take in and how much I eat. I still have a little bit more to go before I am happy that I am back on the right road that continues me on my journey. For me I think a major detour that is looming upon me is the start back of college classes. My goal however is to not let this affect me and for it to be just a very worn speed bump. Another hurdle that needs to be overcome is for me to work out at home. It seems that there is always something coming up that I do not work out at all when I am at home. Last week it was only one day I did anything. For this week I need to increase that to 3 maybe 4 times to make me happier. To be able to get to my goal of completing a century it is a necessity for me to get back on to the trainer.
As I have been told " No excuses - Just do it", I can do the walks in work so I can do the bike at home.
Ok back to work... Peace
A big goal, a new beginning
11 years ago
Check out the spinner LCD screen at my gym.
You can use it to watch iPod videos/music or cable TV. To get that black line you have to bring your own heart rate monitor. If you are interested, it is $90 to join and $45 a month. We could be 6 pm gym rats.
I think Steve joining a gym is a great idea. He doesn't go to the one on campus (except for PT) because he has no one to go with him. And I'm not (usually) the type to work out in the evening; I prefer morning workouts or early afternoon if I've eaten right that day. So yeah...what Reggie said,...join a gym, any gym. And if Reggie is willing to be a gym partner, all the better. You seriously need to work on strength training to build some muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns during normal day-to-day operations, and provided you are feeding it properly, you'll burn off the fat. Go for it!